Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Goodbye, Rest Now...

Well my brother Clint, whose life was taken away suddenly by a friend, can now rest in peace. We finished up with his case this last week. The "friend" who took his life got 16 years without parole. But the sad thing is that doesn't take away the pain.

Anyways, we forgive him. He needs to pay his dues though. To take a human life, especially one who couldn't fight back. No matter what kind of person you are no one deserves to be treated like that.

This man will be 68 years old when he is released. He feels no remorse and doesn't think he has done anything wrong.

My brother is now peaceful and that is what helps me through this, God's plan.

Rest in Peace Clint, We love and miss you tons!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hello my name is Jodi and I am a digiscrappin' addict...


Who told me about this....Lisa was it you? I am so outta control! he he he
I thought I was a blogging junkie and then I started digital scrapbooking, HOLY C O W!
Kids? Husband? Cleaning? Laundry? Food? Church? Cooking...was I suppose to cook dinner for my family? LOL No, not really!! LOL But man it s addicting. However, with the kids I watch out of town for a few days, I did go a little nuts. Thursday I spent all day was so much fun.

Friday, I took my mom out to the Newgate Mall, man for an 81 year old she can wear me out!!! But we had a great time. Then we went to Goodwood BBQ and had the most fabulous onion ring. Yes I said ring. They were so big we each only ate one and then we took our meals home. I love this place, it brings back so many "GOOD" childhood memories of living in Florida walking down the street a couple of blocks to the BBQ Hut and getting a bucket of spareribs and a bag of corn on the cob for $5, and going home and having dinner on Sunday's with my mom.

Saturday our friends took us to the movies for my birthday. We went and saw Mall Cop. I laughed and laughed. Craig and Chris thought it was stupid. But I just needed a good stupid movie to laugh at with the horrible birthday I had Monday and everything.

Monday we went to the movies with the Christensen's, the boys went and saw Bedtime Stories and the girls went and saw BrideWars, which was hilarious. But I love Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway. It was a cute story about friendship.

Well, I better do something productive today...LOL

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Best Christmas in Years!

Ster, Gracie,Jodi, Craig, Joe
Dad, Cole, Carol

Mom, Craig (fart extinguisher)

Reed, Dad and Bob

Dad waiting his turn

Reed and his Homer Chia Pet
My brother Reed from Kansas and his wife and daughter came for Christmas, and as a surprise their son showed up and didn't tell anyone he was coming. It was so nice to have them here for the holidays. The last time we were all together for was back in 1984. Instead of exchanging gifts, we decided to get white elephant gifts and to play the Chinese Present Exchange game. It was so much fun and with my family the presents were what you would call silly (fart extinguisher) that my nephew fought for. That is all I will mention because they just get worse.
Anyways, I think it was nice for my mom to have us there. The only thing that would of been better would have been if my sister Diane would have been there and of course our brother Clint who is no longer with us.
The other great part about Christmas was that Craig's dad is recovering well. He is able to get out of bed and walk with a walker and do physical therapy and he has such a great attitude. Craig's family gathered at Craig's brother's home and then we all went over to see dad at the care center and it was so nice for dad to have us all there. He bore his testimony to us and told us how much he loved us. It was great!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!



