Florida has a special smell (salty sea air and sea breeze) memories just came flooding back. It was so great to be "home". The first night there we went to Pensacola Beach Board Walk so every one except Nettie, Tom (my cousin) and I could get a Bushwhacker (alcoholic drink), then we went to a restaurant called Flounders and had wonderful seafood for dinner. We also had a wonderful time chatting with my family I haven't seen in about 25 years. We laughed and laughed and laughed. Tom is such a comedian. He had us in stitches.
Courtney and Diane on the Boardwalk
Jodi, Tom, Diane, Mom and Dad eating dinner
The second day we went to the beach with our cousins and Aunt and Mom and hung out and collected shells and then went to a open bar and had fried oysters and crab cakes. Mom and Diane had another Bushwhacker and Nettie and I had a virgin strawberry daiquiri.
Mom, Jodi, Diane at the beach
Rob and Courtney Dancing
Then we went to the Wedding Reception and had more fun there dancing and singing and dancing and dancing...
Reed, Janet (parents of groom) Linda Kay, Annette
Jodi and Janet being silly
Linda Kay, Nettie, Joan and Joan and Mom
Laura, Eric and Nettie
Nettie and Diane, Mom and Annette (sisters)
Jodi and Tom
Sunday we went to the beach and just hung out and relaxed and goofed around then we went back to Rob and Courtney's for dinner.
Nettie, Tom, Linda Kay, and Diane at the beach. My feet in the yummy sand, so warm!
Monday we went to breakfast with everyone and said our good-byes and headed home...
It actually went by really fast. The only thing that would of made the trip better is if Craig and Pher were there!
Thanks to all of my family, we had a great time and we love all of you very much!!!
Jodi and Nettie