Am I a bad mom to wish school started today? I want my house back! My son has taken over. I love my children dearly and we have a ton of fun together, but I am going insane. Every morning when I wake up there are dishes everywhere and the livingroom looks like a hurricane went through it. If I hear the words "I am bored" one more time I might just flip out. Do I have to entertain every single minute! I want to climb in bed and get under the sheets and hide. Call maid serve and order in dinner (Oh I already do that).
Okay, okay I am done with my pity party...
I feel much better now.
My kids know better than to say, "I'm bored where I can here it because anytime I hear that, I give them jobs (chores). Hehehe. You may be bad mom, but I'm mean mom.
Not a bad mom at all! I'm not ready for my kids to go back yet, but their are days when I feel like I'm ready. It's gotta be normal at least I think it is!
Yeah! School has started now! Are things looking up yet???
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