Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oops Another One Down....

The Happy Couple! he he he

Christopher's Christmas Stocking

Nettie's Cute Frankenstein

Okay so I get this call from the Junior High last Wednesday; and I was thinking Chris is in trouble and finally beat up the kids who tease him for being a "big" kid. But I hear "Chris has fallen and hurt his ankle can you come get him. {If you saw my blog earlier about Janette.....I was on my way out the door to take her to a doctor appointment for her injured knee} So I called Craig and said "You need to go pick up Chris at school he is hurt." We were thinking sprained ankle and kept it iced and kept him loaded up with Motrin. Well he couldn't even walk at all. All weekend he was in bed and didn't move. So Monday we got an emergency doctor appt. and took him in and yes......it was fractured, torn ligaments, chipped ankle bone, severe ankle sprain, etc, etc.....So here is Chris in his cast, and Nettie in her knee brace. Aren't they a cute couple!


cathy said...

i feel the most sorry for YOU! two injured kids?!?! i think i would runaway! let me know if you need anything!

Heistermanfamily said...

Oh my goodness I love his Christmas stocking! I am so sorry that you have two hobbling teenagers... The luck? If you need anything or your kids do please call me and I would love to help. As for me I am feeling so much better, almost all the way healed. Good luck, and I love you and your family so helping out would be fun!