Wednesday, July 16, 2008

American Idol Concert

First off I do not watch alot of TV, a few british comedies and that is about it, but my friend Julie got me interest in American Idol this year. I had never watched it before, but got interested because one boy was from Utah and another girl was LDS and from Arizona. Anyway Julie called me today and said I have free tickets to the American Idol concert do you and Nettie want to go. So we loaded up the van and away we went. We had a blast! I haven't been to a concert for a few years. I think the last one I went to was with Craig we went to see Van Halen with Sammy Hagar singing the lead. It isn't the best picture because Nettie took it on the cellphone but here it is anyway.


Nettie said...

Excuse me mother, I take wonderful pictures on the cell phone. If you don't remember it was LOUBEE who took it because I was getting too much of a close-up for you and Jewels. You kept trying to hide your chins. I am a excellet Photographer...u better not forget it. JK

Heistermanfamily said...

I'm so jealous! I wanted to go to that concert too. I love that you found my blog page, and that you to have a blog now! It's such a great way to keep in touch!

Heistermanfamily said...

Oh and by the way, I'm adding you to my favorites list so that I can visit your site at my leisure... I hope that's alright?

JMC Design said...

Rachel that is fine with me