Well, had an great turn out at the Girl's Night Out Dinner Group @ Boston's last night. A lot of laughter and talking and laughter and eating.....I had 5 girls crammed into my Explorer, and we laughed alot more and told stories we probably should of kept to ourselves. Okay I told stories I should of probably kept to myself...HE HE HE HE HE HE HE!!!!!!!
{It is the little devil sitting on my shoulder!}
Anyway, we had our weekend planned out to do things with our friends the Ridl's at around 11am in Salt Lake. We received a call from the church, thinking it was Nettie to come pick her up from her Stake Young Women's Presidency meeting...but when Craig got there to get her she was crying and couldn't hardly walk. She had just gotten done saying the closing prayer and was walking to the back of the room to say hello to a friend and come home and she felt a sharp pain in her knee and it gave out on her and she fell. Well we take her to the emergency room and she has a torn medial meniscus. So after 2 1/2 hours in the ER she now has a knee brace and crutches until we can get ahold of our orthopedic surgeon on Monday. Nettie was in so much pain. Don't you just hate it when you can't take your children's pain away. I think my heart was beaten with a sledge hammer this morning. Well she is home now and resting and already driving me NUTS!!!!! But I really enjoy taking care of her....don't tell her that....she is so independent!!!
Well our evening is still planned.....we will be going out with the Christensen family, but poor Nettie will have to stay home. Chris will probably want to stay home with her now. He tries to act so tough, but he is just a big teddybear underneath. He is so cute with his sister. I love my kids!!!
Mom bring me some water! Just kidding. I won't drive you nuts when I can walk without the two evil tools doctors use to "help" us. I'm like my dad. I have to be doing something. Not laying on my butt watching tv. Grr
Jodi-hi! I miss you and the ward! Sorry to hear about Nettie's knee! I used to work for an Orthopedic Surgeon who specializes in knees. He's is the absolute best. His name is Pepper Murray and he works in Bountiful. The number is 295-7200. If he can't get you in, ask for Dr. Hickman, Dr. Edwards, and Dr. Stevens in that order. They are all equally as good, but I know all of their schedules are very packed so ask for them in that order. Let me know how it all goes! They all know me VERY well so if you need to name drop to get you in sooner, feel free!
oh, there is nothing worse than knee pain. i've dislocated my knee several times. poor nettie! i hope all goes well w/the surgeon and if you need anything, i'm across the street!!!!
nettie! so sorry! and how weird!
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