I haven't wanted to approach this because I didn't want to have to process the thoughts yet or deal with what has been happening in our family in the last week or so. I haven't even bothered stalking blogs.
This Thanksgiving was devastatingly miserable. My family was in pain as was I. I could do nothing but pray for Heavenly Father to be merciful.
Well Wednesday, Thanksgiving eve, we received a call from Craig's brother asking him to come to Lakeview hospital to give his mom a blessing she was in the hospital, because her heart beat had become irregular and they couldn't get it back to the way it was suspose to be. As Craig and his brother were talking to his mom that night, they found out dad wasn't doing to well, so Craig thought he would stop by their house to check on things (Craig's sister was there helping with dad and getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner) and found dad in a horrible state. He was laying in bed all crippled up and he needed help going to the bathroom and he was just lets say going down fast. So Craig stayed the night to try and help out his sister and his dad. Craig didn't sleep but about 3 hours and got home around 7am on Thursday morning I put him back to bed and went on working in the office fixing it up and he got up around 2pm and went back to Bountiful.
Well we got mom taken care of and home and they had Thanksgiving dinner and everyone went there own ways.
Craig and I got up Friday morning and had a great time fixing Thanksgiving dinner together, we always have fun cooking together! My folks came over and it was just a nice relaxing time and real good food.
So all week long 2 of Janette's friend's have been planning a surprise birthday party for her. So Saturday morning when Rachelle called to see if Nettie could come over and hang out about 4pm with her and Anna, I went and crawled in bed with Janette and pretended she couldn't go because we had stuff planned since her birthday was on Sunday. Of course I eventually gave in. Our evil plan was working....he he he....she fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Well we decided to go see a movie for Janette's b-day so I called up Julie and Lyndsey and asked if they wanted to go see Twlight and we all went and had a blast. Sappy movie, but cute! Well we got home in time for Craig and I and Lyndsey to sneek off to Rachelle's to hide while Rachelle's dad came and got Janette. It was cute to see Nettie's face when we all jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!" and so many of her friends came. It was so awesome. Craig and I left because after a few minutes with a room full of 14 and 15 year old girls we couldn't hear anymore.
We were in the office working on a few little projects when we received another call from Craig's brother that evening saying dad is at Ogden Regional Hospital going into emergency surgery for a tooth that is absessed and the infection has spread to his neck and is almost into his brain. So they needed a neurologist because of dad's Parkinson's Disease. So we were on pins and needles all night waiting to hear how dad did during surgery. We finally got a call around 11pm saying he made it through the surgery, but it doesn't look good and to come up Sunday to see him.
First off it was Janette's 15th birthday and I was trying to keep the knowledge from her that her Grandpa Jensen was in the hospital and we could lose him at anytime, I thought let's just let her get through her day and then she can know he won't be coming home again. So we made her crepes with strawberries and whip cream and eggs and bacon and juice, and served her breakfast in bed and gave her her gift. So we finally had to tell her that Grandpa was in the hospital (we left the rest out). Craig called his mom and she said don't come by until later he is all drugged up andwouldn't know your here anyways so we went to our friends for snacks and we watched Get Smart and then all of us went to the hospital on the way home.
Dad was a skeleton of himself. He could barely make an audible word. His face was all swolen from the infection and surgery. he had a minor stroke so his left side was hanging. I just took hold of him and hugged him and told him how much I loved him and told him how good the kids are doing and when the nurse came in he signalled her with his finger to come here and when she came over he spelled "F - O - O - D!" it was so cute, he has a feeding tube in but he was hungry and wanted food. We all burst out laughing.
And that my friends is where the graditude comes in...I am so greatful and thankful for my father in law he is a strong and wise man. He is a man with integrity he is honest and true and does his best to be a good husband and father. He has been an amazing Grandpa to my children. I am truly greatful that when my children when very little and I had to work that Craig's parents were the one's who took care of our children. They nutured and loved our kids, but they also taught our kids. I can not put into words how I truly feel about my in laws, for they have gone over and beyond for my little family.
My husband, my anchor, my life, my night in shining armour, my hero...I love you more than the eternaties. I am greatful we found each other, I am greatful you have all the characteristics of your father! Most of all I am greatful just for you just being you!
My precious Nettie, my little red headed baby, now my grown up young woman, you are such a strength to me. You make me a better person. Thank you for your kindness, for seeking out those who are alone and need someone, thank you for your smile, thank you for singing in the bathroom so I can hear you everyday and be amazed at how your voice can shoot right through my heart. I am so greatful for Heavenly Father entrusting you with me.
My big hearted, loving Pher, my precious littler scooter, what can't you do....play piano, play guitar, sing, sports, you can do it all. I am so greatful for your laughter and your humor, I am greatful we have a special bond together, no matter how tall or how old you get you will always be my snugglable baby boy. You are so smart and amazing and you have so much ability to do what ever you would like. You have a very strong spirit. Share it!
My mom and dad....thank you for letting me have the freedom to chose who and what I wanted to be. Thank you for all the love and support along the way. Thanks for always listening. Mom we didn't get along when I was growing up, but I love our relationship now! Dad thank you for bringing stability into my life and teaching me about integrity and honesty and hard work and how nothing comes for free. Dad, thank you for becoming the dad I never had and always wanted.
Well, I could go on and on and I will in my journal.....